Updated: June 9th, 2020
Below are all of the ABDL questions that I have asked the adult baby, diaper lover twitter community. Some of the questions really make you dig deep into your thoughts, while others are light-hearted or silly.
I will sometimes post a free abdl assignment along with the questions or pose a scenario of ‘what would you do’ or ‘would you rather’
You can certainly add in your thoughts and answers, and it doesn’t have to be on twitter. Just copy the question or scenario and post it along with your your response in the comments below
I’ll try and updated this frequently but I’ve made it simple to find them – just go to the search bar of twitter and type in @abmommylillith ABDL QoD and click ‘latest’ it should have the latest question brought to the top…or better yet, just follow me on twitter and catch the action. I usually have them posted between 10-11am central.
Got a question you’d like Mommy Lillith to answer or do you have a question you’d like me to put out to the masses? Feel free to post it below or shoot me a message on twitter
How many times can you wet your diaper before it springs a leak? Do you let it go that far? Whats the longest you have ever worn a diaper without a change?
Do you wear your diaper outside of your house like to work or around those that don’t know you are a DL? Why/Why not?
If you could give someone new to the ABDL lifestyle advise what would it be? You can include giving your past self advise with what you know now ~
What do you do to keep in the abdl headspace during the week if you aren’t able to play like you’d like to? ABDL Discussion
Do you USE your diapers? Wet only? Dirty Only? Do you complete the dirty diaper trifecta? (You either know or you don’t know what the trifecta is. LOL) How many simply wear but will refuse to USE the diaper and why?
Do you remember the first time you tinkled in your diapee? Did you have to force yourself or did it come naturally? Do you find yourself wetting your diaper without even knowing?
Do you feel like they were sort of thrust into the abdl world because of incontinence? So many strive for full incontinence, others started out that way. I’ve known/trained many that STARTED out incontinent – this opened their eyes to an exciting fun world.
I hear all the time from my disposable diaper lovers – let’s hear from the CLOTH diaper wearers. First, RT so others can see and join the conversation. Next – Why cloth? Did you start there or did you make the switch?
If someone were on the fence about switching or going for one or the other. What would you say FOR or AGAINST cloth vs disposable Disposable what would you say FOR or Against ABDL ~ No crunchy vanilla moms. We are kinksters 18+
Not so much as a question but I’d like to know something about YOU. You follow me, we interact – I know you are into ABDL, Sissification, Femdom, Furry, Submission, a plethora of things. BUT, I want to know something about you and your vanilla side.
When you wear your diapers is it
~ Always sexual
~Sometimes Sexual
~Never Sexual
If sexual at all, what about wearing a diaper turns you on?
What is in a name? Nappy, Nappie, Diaper, Diapee, Padded Panties What do YOU call them? Do you have something else you call them?
ABBIE BABBLE! Do you use it? Im ok when it’s used in session, but in written communication it drives me nuts if its not easily discernible. Respond with some baby babble and include the translation
IF you have to hide your diapers and/or other abbie paraphernalia where do you hide it. Who are you hiding it from? (if you are so bold as to admit it ) Do you get to store it out in the open? Let’s see pics!
For those that don’t wear full time, those that wear just whenever they can or when they are in that abdl headspace: What triggers your headspace or need to be diapered? Is it an action, a word?
What is a fun little fantasy you like to go to in your mind while you are dressed and having some ‘extra special’ naughty time?
We often talk about putting on a diaper, never turning back. You love it and crave it. Is there anyone that put it on and found themselves disappointed? Like the diaper didn’t live up to the hype? Did you try again or are you only wearing when forced now?
How many diapers do you go through in a day? How many changes do you need when you are fully diapered for the day (unless you are 24/7) Do you change after each use or do you let it mellow for a bit? How long do you let it mellow? LOL
Did you ever just wake up one day and think ‘how did I get here?’ There are many that never think certain lifestyles will be an option. But, one thing after another leads them to where they are now. Where are you now, and where was your beginning. (NO ages. NMIK)
What WAS seemingly taboo to you then that is now something you crave or something you don’t see quite as taboo. Taboo is subjective mostly personally, sometimes by the masses. We know ABDL is taboo by the masses ~ but they are wrong because they don’t understand it.
I get asked ALL the time how to help someone find an AB Mommy.
I’m not going to put that work in for them nor anyone else. lol. You either understand or you don’t.
IF you have a mommy/daddy/ab partner, how did you find her? What did you do? Details…
Today’s seems like a stereotypical question…but, I can tell you…It’s important. There are others watching responses, learning, understanding, etc. How do you feel when wearing a diaper or being sissified?
Community is everything. Do you have a community you are part of; forums you could recommend or groups to others that are seeking to belong? I used to anwser questions for the bedwetting site, dailydiapers is amazing (haven’t been there in a hot minute though)
What other Kinks and Fetishes are you into?
What do you wish people understood about the ABDL World, lifestyle or what not? We know ABDL is NOT pedophilia What else is a misconseption? #ABDLISNOT
Do you like a little Vanilla with your alternative lifestyle? Ever have days where you are just wanting to be in the vanilla world? Do you feel you have to FORCE a vanilla lifestyle? How do YOU define Vanilla? Does it bother you to even use that term?
How do you like your Diapees designed? Do you do it yourself or order it with a design or do you prefer plain-jane white? Lets see those diapers and those responses!
Another Playful one What is your favorite song to dance too while dressed in sissy or pampered like an abbie? Lets see a small little clip of you dancing if you dare or are brave enough for mommy
You don’t always have an AB Mommy or Daddy to pamper you so you have to do it yourself…how do you do it? What did you try and what worked and what didn’t work? What is the best way or YOUR way of self pampering? Bonus points for video, pics ~
Are you single? Do you have a partner? Is the partner tolerant or accepting? (there is a difference). Do you live with a vanilla partner What is it like with having this itch you need to scratch around someone that is more vanilla?
Who is your favorite Princess? Or I guess who is your favorite animated character or personality? Do you bring that into your lifestyle and how? Belle is my favorite
Are you interested in diaper wearing but haven’t taken that step yet? What is REALLY preventing you from doing it? For those that wear…post some encouraging words to get them to make those clicks for their diapers and to put them on for the first time. Cheer them on
Where is some of the excitement? I dont do the Follow Friday thing but It would be nice to find and engage with others. Tag a fellow ABDL, sissy or another mommy and show your appreciation for them. Why do you follow, why do you like to engage with them?
Where are you from? You don’t have to get specific but it would be interesting to see where everyone is on the map. Country, State ~ Point is…WE…ARE…EVERYWHERE.
I love my humiliation pets. Everyone knows its one of my favorites. For my Abbies or any subbies, what was one of your most humiliating experiences with Diapers or sissification or any fun humiliation experience for that matter. Did you hate it? Love it? Both?
Do you plan out the next time you are going to wear the diaper or do you wear when you ‘feel like it’ and more spur of the moment?
I get this question and it’s so blah…so Im turning it on you guys. LOL What would you do if *I*
was in front of you right now. What would we be doing, what would be the setting (Anything I want is not a good response)
BESIDES wearing a diaper what else do you do that is considered BABYISH. What is the AB part of your DL? For the Non-diapered sissies…what do YOU do BEYOND wearing panties that make you a sissy?
Are you an excited tinkler? Do you ever get so excited that you just piddle in your padded pampers and panties?
What is your fantasy? Erotic or not. What gets your blood pumping and your heart racing?
When was the last time you purged? When was the last time you had the urge to purge? What do you do to keep yourself from ACTUALLY purging your collection or do you purge and restock each time?
What have YOU done this week to engage in your kink and lifestyle? If nothing, what is stopping you? What can we do to rectify that situation?
Do you drink baby formula? Have you tried it? What goes in your bottle when you are drinking? (Any coerced intox abdl’s?)
Think to the best moment of your life since wearing your diapers … what was it? Or what are they? (I can recognize that there may be more than one favorite)